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Old Crosscut Articles

(From the Wits Woodworkers Association Newsletter)


Articles taken from old club newsletters, collected here for your convenience. Some of the material in the articles is out of date, so check the date before acting on advice.

AdvancesInGrindingTechnology ArchitecturalJoinery-Norway BandsawnBoxes
BandsawnBoxes-SlidingLid BiscuitJointers BoringHolesInHardMetal
BringingHomeABandsaw BuddyLawsonMeetsFrankPain ChainsawMaintenance
CommonPlanesForCabinetMaking Critique CupAndBallToy
Early20thCenturyFarmWorkshop FalseEconomy-JetLiveCenterBearing Finishes
FittingAndTurning Gloves Groz-BlockPlane-Review
Hegner-HDB175-WoodLatheUpdate HomemadeHollowingTools HookTools
Infill Planes KeenEdges LaserPointerSafety
LatheHolding-AnalysisOfForces LatheSpeeds-EffectOnWorkpiece LocalFurnitureDesigners
LumberRack MakingAGavel MorseTapers
MotorsAndVariableSpeedDrives OfPotteryWheels OptimisingWoodToMakeAPlatter
PanelRaisingPlane PlywoodShelves PoorMansCyclone
PricingTimber ReadingGlasses RechargeableBatteries
RepairingDomesticFanHeaters RogerMatthews-Visit-Bavaria SafetyCultureForWoodworking
SawSharpening SolventsForTheWoodWorkshop Stanley78-TuningAdjusting
StartingWoodTurning SuperGluesForWoodworking TheChair
TheGoodOldDays Tools-ABasicStarterSet Toys-Skittles-Stilts
TreadleLathe UsableWoodenPlanes UsesForSawdustShavings
Wax WhyShelvesSag WoodAsh
WoodExpansion WorkshopSafety BetterPlaneBlades
MakingAToyCar ScreenInCCA-TreatedPine NicoSwart-DonovanAdams
Woodturning lathes in South Africa How much to start woodturning Using a UPS during supply interruptions
Lathe Steady for Spindle Turning Stanley Handyman Planes Cheap No-name Planes - Issues
Replacement Wooden Seat for Dabeb Pottery Wheel.pdf Jet 1014 Mini Lathe - NVR switch.pdf Bench Grinder Sharpening System.pdf
Dremel 400 Digital Modification.pdf Tools for Green Woodworking.pdf Custom Making Small Saw Blades.pdf
Making a Froe.pdf Old Files for Woodturning.pdf Tool Rolls.pdf

Advice in the articles is given in good faith, but it is worth what you paid for it. Use your own judgment and seek professional advice if you are at all unsure. Obviously the authors cannot be held accountable for actions and circumstances beyond their own control. 

Safety is important. Heed the advice given in SafetyCultureForWoodworking and WorkshopSafety - stay safe!

( Copyright © 2001 to  2022 reserved on all items on this site -  tpope AT iafrica.com [replace AT with @ to email] )